Lectionary Pronunciation Guide – Year C

Lectionary Pronunciation Guide – Year C (page  1)
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Abana   uh-bah-nuh

Abednego    uh-bed-nee-goh

Abel-meholah    ay-buhl - muh-hoe-luh

Abilene    ab-uh-lee-nee

Abinadab   uh-bin-uh-dab

Abishai   uh-bee-shī

Abram   ayb-rum

Ananias    an-uh--uhs

Annas    an-uhs

Apphia    af-ee-uh

Aram   air-um

Aramean   air-uh-mee-en

Archippus    ahr-kip-uhs

Arimathea   air-ih-muh-thee-uh

Baal   bay-uhl

Babel    bay-buhl

Baca   bay-kuh

Barabbas   buh-rab-uhs

Barak    bay-rak

Bashan   bay-shun

Bethphage    beth-fuh-jee

Bethsaida   beth-say-ih-duh

Beth-zatha    beth-zay-thuh

bitumen    bī-too-muhn

Caiaphas   kay-uh-fuhs

Cana    kay-nuh

Capernaum   kuh-per-nay-uhm or nee-uhm

Cappadocia   kap-uh-doh-shee-uh

Cephas   see-fuhs

Chaldeans    kal-dee-uhnz

Cilicia    sih-lish-ee-uh


Clopas   kloh-puhs

Colossae    kuh-lahs-ay

Cyrene   sī-ree-nee

denarii   dih-nah-rih-ee

Deuteronomy    doo-ter-ahn-uh-mee

Ecclesiastes    ek-klee-zee-ass-teez

Eliezer    el-ee-ay-zuhr

Elisha   ee-lī-shuh

Elkanah   el-kay-nuh

Emmaus   eh-may-uhs

ensign   en-sīn (not en-sin)

Epaphras    ep-uh-fras

Ephah    ee-fah

ephah   ee-fah

ephod    ee-fahd

Ephraim   ee-free-uhm

Ephrathah   ef-ruh-thuh

Euphrates    yoo-fray-teez

Gabbatha   gab-uh-thuh

Galilee   gal-ih-lee (not gal-ih-lee)

Gennesaret   geh-nezz-uh-ret (hard g, as in “go”)

Gerasene    gair-uh-seen

Gilgal   gil-gal

Habakkuk    huh-bak-kuhk

Hazael    haz-ah-ehl

homage    ah-mij

hyssop   hiss-up

impiety    im--eh-tee

Iscariot   iss-kair-ee-uht

Ituraea    iht-yoo-ree-uh

Jabbok    jab-buhk

Jehu    jay-hoo

Lectionary Pronunciation Guide – Year C - 2009/2010  (page  2)

Kadesh   kay-desh

Kidron   kid-ruhn

Leviathan    leh--uh-thehn

Lysanias    lih-say-nee-uhs

Macedonia    mass-uh-doe-nee-uh

Magdalene   mag-duh-leen  or  mag-duh-len

magi    may-jī

Mahlon   mah-luhn

Malachi    mal-uh-kī

Malchus   mal-kuhs

Mamre    mam-ree

Manasseh   muh-nass-uh

Meshach    mee-shak

Midian   mid-ee-uhn

Nain    nay-ihn

Naaman   nay-uh-muhn

Neapolis    nee-ap-uh-lis

Negeb   nay-geb (hard g)

Nimshi    nim-shee

Nineveh   nin-uh-vuh

Onesimus    oh-nez-ih-muhs

Peniel    pen-ee-ehl

Penuel    pen-yoo-ehl

Pharpar   fahr-pahr

Philemon    fī-lee-muhn

Philippi   fill-uh-pī

prophesy    prah-feh-sī    (prophecy   prah-feh-see)

Phrygia   frij-ee-uh

Quirinius   kwih-rin-ee-uhs

Sadducees    sad-yoo-seez

Samothrace    sam-oh-thrays

Scythians    sith-ee-uhnz


Seba    see-buh

Shadrach    shad-rak

Sheol   shay-ole

Shinar    shī-nahr

Sidon   -duhn

Silvanus    sil-vay-nuhs

Sirion   seer-ee-uhn

terebinth    tair-uh-binth

Theophilus    thee-ah-fih-luhs

Thyatira    thī-uh--ruh

Tiberias   tī-beer-ee-uhs

Trachonitis    trak-uh--tuhs

Troas    troe-uhs

Ur    er

Uzziah   uh--uh

Zacchaeus    zak-kee-uhs

Zarephath   zair-uh-fath


(Sources: Harper's Bible Dictionary, Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible)