Kettle Moraine United Presbyterian ChurchN66 W32690
County Road K
Hartland, Wisconsin 53029
Phone (262) 966-2410
Batter up! It's time to start training for our next year of Christian Education at KMUPC. Please join us on Rally Day on Sunday, September 8, for our Service in Nine Innings with games and skits. Wear your favorite baseball attire and be ready for some post-game fellowship (think hot dogs, peanuts, Crackerjack).
BOOK CLUB: Sept. 9
Our next meeting will be Monday, September 9 at 4pm at church. Our book will be "The Silent Patient" by Alex Michaelides. Contact Stephanie (cell: 262-370-7886 / e-mail: to be included in book club announcement e-mails. The discussion questions will be e-mailed a day or two before the meeting. Zoom option available! Please bring book suggestions for future book club meetings! You do not have to be a church member to participate in our book club!
Meeting is Thursday, September 12th at 10 a.m. at church.
Anyone who is interested in attending this meeting is welcome!
UKRAINE EVENT: Sept. 15 at 6 p.m.
Sunday, September 15 at 6 p.m. Meet at the Garden! Bring a lawn chair!
Prayer service and information on Ukraine and Father’s House, a children’s home we support. We will take a collection for Ukraine. Then we will enjoy a potluck supper, so bring something to share!
(Sponsored by the Food for the Journey garden churches)